All the things you didn't need to know about the 1980 'Musical Fantasy Of All Time' but have to!
Olivia Newton-John 1948 - 2022
Introduction - The Xanadu Story - News - Ultimate ULTIMATE Xanadu - Xanadu Memorabilia Room - Press - Links - SWING! - Election 1980 - Birthdays - Pan Pacific - Exclusive Interviews - Press Pack - Ads & Promotional Material - LP & 45 Covers - Personal Reviews & Rants - Anniversary Screenings - How To Repair Your 'Xanadu' 8-Track! - Cutting Room Floor - The 2020 XANADU (unofficial) 40th Anniversary Marathon - Xanadu Boutique -
We are always looking for contributors and if you can send our way any press reviews or releases, photos and/or general information we will list you as a contributor to the society. Thanks!
Preservation/Research/"Tech" Guy
Don Fields
Contributors (thus far)
Terry Boothby * Brian * Heather Hoban
Tattoo Gal * Simonie Hodges * Lisa D Jenkins * Terry L
Knepper * "MagicMan" * Mark L. * Todd Palmer *
Kenneth Anderson * Todd Weiner * David Estrada * David Mas * Kira Lehtomaki
This site is NOT licensed by, nor affiliated with Xanadu's copyright owners (Universal Studios) and its victim's (the cast
and crew). This site is a scholarly work of review and commentary only and no attempt is made or shall be inferred to
infringe upon the copyrights or trademarks of Universal Studios. Any opinions, reporting and criticisms is only of that
person and not of, nor should be confused with the studio, cast and crew. Therefore, if you are a copyright-happy lawyer,
we suggest you turn back RIGHT NOW! It ain't worth it, punk!! 'Xanadu' (c) 1980 Universal City Studios, Inc. All other
properties are copyrighted by their respective writers and owners.