At the start of the year, a new site and FB group called The Ultimate Xanadu Experience went on line and announced their intentions to hold an event celebrating Xanadu’s 45th anniversary in August in Los Angeles. As of now, plans are still being made, but their FB group have been posting some incredibly rare behind the scene photos of the movie and a video of one of the movies muses, Teri Beckerman (Muse Number 8).
Here’s one of many photos that they have posted.

You can check out their site:
...and their FB group:
We do wish them a ton of luck.
Speaking of Behind the Scenes material: Kira Lehtomaki sent me a photo of cinematographer Victor J. Kemper working with producer Joel Silver and director Robert Greenwald. Thank you, Kira!

Also coming soon later this year: Variety announced that there will be an documentary of the life and career of Olivia Newton-John, with full cooperation of Olivia’s partners at Primary Wave Publishing. No news on the title and where this will end up. Stand by for details.
Read the article from here:
If you live in or near Brooklyn, NYC, you might have heard of Xanadu Roller Arts, a collective of roller skate enthusiasts that hold regular social and skating parties, and judging from their site and Instagram account, they are certainly in deep in the Xanadu gulf!
“Xanadu is a place for people to come together in joy and motion. The wildest roller rink in the universe! You can see shows, dance, skate, eat, drink, and celebrate life. Explore the space and discover for yourself how you Xanadu.” Yup, that is Xanadu indeed!!
You can keep track of their events at the web site:
….and on more up-to-date matter on their IG account:
Before we wrap up, Turner Classic Movies showed Xanad as part of their Music Matinee series and recorded an introduction:
Welp, that’s all the fun fer now. Thank you for stopping by,